Yet Another Captive Killer Whale Injury

October 8, 2012
NakaiI’m sadden to learn of the recent injury sustained by Nakai, an 11 year-old captive orca at SeaWorld California ...

Sad Day for Morgan

December 6, 2011
MorganIn as much as these past few days have been very sad for Morgan, the young orca rescued off the coast of the Netherlands; I am not giving up ...

Update: Morgan

October 13, 2011
MorganIt is with great sadness that we inform you that Morgan, the young orca rescued off the coast of the Netherlands, will not be given a chance to swim free with her native pod ...

A Chance at Freedom

July 28, 2011
MorganI have been following the case of the young orca, Morgan, with particular interest. Morgan was captured on June 23, 2010 by the Dolphinarium Harderwijk off the north coast of the Netherlands—a rare event since no orcas have been sighted in the area since 1947 ...

The Death of a Captive Orca

October 7, 2010
A pod of (non captive) Orca cruise the Queen Charlotte Strait, British Columbia I wonder how many killer whales will have to endure our selfish behavior of putting them in an artificial setting before we realize enough is enough. The most recent death happened just this past Monday when Kalina, a young 25-year-old female, died unexpectedly, the third killer whale to die in captivity in the past four months ...

Welcome to the Family: A Young Orca is Named Cousteau

Welcome to the L-pod family, “little” Cousteau, L113September 30, 2010
We just received the exciting news of a very welcome baby Orca, L113, who has now survived her first winter, making her chances of survival much greater and so she can now be officially named. The new name for L113 is Cousteau! Welcome to the L-pod family, “little” Cousteau ...

Why Should Our Children Suffer the Burden of Outdated Legislation? It is Time for Chemical Reform!

Holly Lohuis speaks out against Toxic Flame Retardants on behalf on her son Gavin and all speciesSeptember 24, 2010
The logic is simple: when placed in products we use daily, flame retardant chemicals can enter our bodies as dramatically as drugs we take, although the route may be different. Potentially toxic chemicals should not be allowed in the marketplace until they have been tested and proven safe. Our children, the environment, and all species deserve this ...

Marine Conservation Losses

Pacific BlueFin TunaMarch 31, 2010
In a time of tremendous loss of biodiversity in the marine environment, it saddens me to read the recent headline: “Trade Beats Conservation At U.N. Wildlife Talks" ...

Killer Whales, Toxic Chemicals, and a Mom

Holly Lohuis March 23, 2010
Jean-Michel Cousteau, myself, and my then- four-year-old son Gavin were tested for these harmful substances, and I was horrified to see how contaminated we were. My concern as a mother is that we really do not know what these numbers mean in terms of children’s long-term health ...

The Truth About Keiko's Death

Keiko March 2, 2010
On March 1st on Larry King Live, Thad Lacinak, who spent 30 years at Sea World and worked as head trainer, made the statement that Keiko died of starvation in the wild after losing more than 1000 lbs. This statement is incorrect ...
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