Plan to Immediately Release Orcas in Srednyaya Bay Should Not Be Adopted

May 17, 2019
RABIN_09843 GOV JMC ORCAS in P3_2.jpg“It puts the well-being of these orcas at undue risk and compromises their long-term survival,” Cousteau said. “We cannot support or participate in this plan” ...

Recommendations for Release of Orcas and Belugas from Srednyaya Bay

May 14, 2019
All team after signing HR_1.jpegPreliminary results of the behavioral analyses conducted by the Team show that all orcas and belugas in the holding facility at Srednyaya Bay can be rehabilitated and released ...

Young people are the decision makers of tomorrow

May 9, 2019

Screen Shot 2019-05-09 at 12.56.20 PM.jpgFrom his office in Santa Barbara, Jean-Michel shares his message about how we are connected to the ocean and how much we depend upon the quality of the ocean for the quality of our lives...

Statement of Russian Consilium Mirrors Assessment of Jean-Michel Cousteau Team

April 25, 2019
All team after signing HR_1.jpegPreliminary results of the behavioral analyses conducted by the Team show that all orcas and belugas in the holding facility at Srednyaya Bay can be rehabilitated and released ...

Earth Day 2019

April 22, 2019
1237.jpg.800x600_q90_0.jpg As we honor the wonderful Earth Day celebrations around the world, we at Ocean Futures Society believe it is a golden opportunity to remind us all about the gifts and services the ocean provides ...

El Siniestro Negocio de la Captura y Venta de Mamíferos Marinos

April 11, 2019
Foto 1.jpg _1.pngHa llegado la hora de que cambiemos nuestros hábitos y gustos de diversión. No contribuyamos a que los cetáceos, mamíferos marinos y tiburones continúen en condiciones de esclavitud que no permiten su desarrollo sano y armonioso...

The Sinister Business of the Capture and Sale of Marine Mammals

April 11, 2019
Foto 1.jpg _1.pngWe need a radical change of attitude towards our friends from the ocean. Let's not allow the cetaceans, marine mammals and sharks to continue to be placed in conditions of slavery that does not permit their healthy and harmonious development...

A Historic Moment: An Agreement with Russia to Return Captive Whales to the Ocean

April 8, 2019
signing w gov 2-crop-502_0.jpgI am thrilled and it is with great excitement that I am able to report that our collaborations with officials and scientists in Russia has led to the best possible outcome for the captured whales and for the world....

News videos reporting on Jean-Michel Cousteau and Team in Russia

Please find here videos from around the world reporting on Jean-Michel Cousteau and The Whale Sanctuary Project Team in Russia....

Save the Russian Whales - Orientation

April 5, 2019
captive_whale_map_ofs_3_1.jpgJean-Michel Cousteau and The Whale Sanctuary Team are now on their way to visit the whales in Nakhodka....
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