A New Year's Video Message from Jean-Michel Cousteau

January 1, 2022
Screen Shot 2021-12-28 at 11.56.19 AM_0.pngHappy New Year 2022 Full of Hope & Possibilities ...

Ocean Futures Society Virtual Film Festival

August 12, 2021
Eventive Film Festival page_1.jpgI hope that you were able to watch some of the films and LIVE events in the Ocean Futures Society Virtual Film Festival ...

Una triste realidad para la vaquita marina

July 21, 2021

Vaquita6_Olson_NOAA_1.jpgLes escribo para compartir mi desacuerdo con una decisión en México que permitirá nuevamente la pesca en el área de hábitat de la vaquita ...

Uma Triste Realidade para a Vaquita

21 de Julho de 2021

Vaquita6_Olson_NOAA_1.jpgEscrevo para expressar minha discordância com a decisão tomada no México que vai, mais uma vez, permitir a pesca no habitat natural das vaquitas ...

A Sad Reality for the Vaquita

July 21, 2021

Vaquita6_Olson_NOAA_1.jpgI am writing to share my disagreement with a decision in Mexico that will once again allow fishing in the habitat area of vaquita ...

Help Protect Goliath Groupers off Florida

May 4, 2021

CEV2884_72_0.jpgThese iconic fish, that can reach 8 feet long and weigh 800 pounds need to be protected for the health of the ocean and for future generations ...

Celebrate Earth Day - Live Q&A with Jean-Michel Cousteau, Dr. Sylvia Earle and Holly Lohuis

April 19, 2021

SO3D_poster2_1.jpgEarth Day celebration and LIVE Q&A for our film, Jean-Michel Cousteau’s Secret Ocean on Thursday, April 22nd, at 12pm PST ...

Jean-Michel Cousteau’s Secret Ocean

April 2, 2021

SO3D_poster2_1.jpgI am so excited that you can now see our film, Jean-Michel Cousteau’s Secret Ocean, in the Ocean Futures Society Virtual Film Festival ...

LIVE Q&A for Swains Island

February 23, 2021
SwainsSlate2021 - Live Event_1.jpgJoin us for a LIVE Q&A event for the film SWAINS ISLAND – One of the Last Jewels of the Planet with Jean-Michel Cousteau on February 24th at 1 pm PST. ...

LIVE Q&A for Keiko: The Gate to Freedom

January 21, 2021
JMC-And-Keiko_0.pngJoin us for a LIVE Q&A for the film Keiko: The Gate to Freedom with Jean-Michel Cousteau and Jeff Foster ...
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