Environmental News April 6 - April 24 2010

Quote for the week

"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them."
- John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Environmental News March 24th-April 5th 2010

Quote for the week

“There is a window in time, and that is now, when we could forever lose a precious ocean heritage, or we could develop the foundation for an enduring legacy, an ocean ethic…an inspired gift from the 20th century to all who follow us.”
-Dr. Sylvia Earle, noted ocean explorer

Environmental News: March 12th- March 24th 2010

Quote for the week

“When one man, for whatever reason, has the opportunity to lead an extraordinary life, he has no right to keep it to himself." ~Jacques-Yves Cousteau

Environmental News: March 2nd-March 11th 2010

Quote for the week

We can find happiness in protecting the world around us not only because we cherish it for its awesome beauty, power and mystery, but because we cherish our fellow humans, those who live today and those who will live tomorrow."
Jacques Y. Cousteau

Environmental News: February 18th-March 1st 2010

Quote for the week

"We do make a difference -- one way or the other. We are responsible for the impact of our lives. Whatever we do with whatever we have, we leave behind us a legacy for those who follow." Stephen Covey

Environmental News: February 2nd- February 17th 2010

Quote for the week

“When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe.”
John Muir, 1911

Environmental News: January 22-February 1, 2010

Quote for the week

"Going into the ocean is like diving into the history of life on Earth" - Sylvia Earle

Environmental News: January 14th-January 21st 2010

Quote for the week

An action is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability and beauty of a living community and wrong when it tends to do otherwise.
Aldo Leopold

Environmental News: January 5th-January 13th 2010

Quote for the week

“Our past, our present and whatever remains of the future, absolutely depend on what we do now."
Dr. Sylvia Earle

Environmental News: December 25th-January 4th 2010

Quote for the week

“If we’re going to make a transition to a sustainable society, we have to start looking at the complexity of human life within a living environment and start valuing simple things like human happiness and satisfaction.”
Quote from the film by Richard Heinberg
Journalist, Educator & Author